DevNet Expert exam topics and software list
Version 1.1
For any CCIE-level Cisco certification, it all begins with the blueprint. This the raw list of topics that you should master and expect to see at the lab exam. The exam topic list is quite long for DevNet Expert with 86 items on it (not including section headline). The full list is available below.
Some items are very vague and general, like 1.4, while others are quite specific, like 2.9.d.
So one of the many question you may have is how to know which items to focus on and spend more time with.
This depends on a number of factors:
Your previous experience
How the topics relate to your daily job
Your pace of learning
How difficult and tricky the exam tasks and questions will be
In our Masterclass and mentoring process we work with all these factors, to ensure you spend you preparation time optimally and connect the dots between the technology on the blueprint.
When you look through the blueprint topic, you may also notice that generally it does not specify which tools, platforms or software versions to use. Candidates often ask me wether they should work with:
GitHub or GitLab?
Prometheus or InfluxDB?
Jenkins or Azure DevOps?
The good news is that Cisco also published an "Equipment and Software List" for the exam. This is great for us, since it helps us focus on the specific software versions, libraries and vendors that me may encounter in the lab exam. The full list is available below the blueprint on this page.
In the DevNet Expert Masterclass we paired each of the blueprint topics with the relevant software tools and versions, to enhance the relevancy of the learning and enable you to stay on the most efficient learning path.
Cisco Certified DevNet Expert lab exam topics / blueprint (click to expand)
1 Software Design, Development, and Deployment
1.1 Design a solution based on an on-premises, hybrid, or public cloud deployment, considering these factors:
1.1.a Deployment: maintainability, modularity (e.g., containers, VM, orchestration, automation, components, and infrastructure requirements)
1.1.b Reliability: high availability and resiliency
1.1.c Performance: scalability, latency, and rate limiting
1.1.d Infrastructure: monitoring, observability, and metrics (e.g., instrument placement and instrument deployment)
1.2 Modify an existing network automation solution based on business and technical requirements (includes gap analysis)
1.3 Use Git in a CI/CD development workflow
1.4 Troubleshoot issues with a CI/CD pipeline (e.g., code-based failures, pipeline issues, and tool incompatibility)
1.5 Diagnose application performance issues - such as asynchronous request processing, database delays, high memory and CPU utilization, microservice network delays, and asymmetric routing - using network and application tools as well as assurance data.
2 Infrastructure as Code
2.1 Build, manage, and operate a Python-based REST API with a web application framework (endpoints, HTTP request and response, OpenAPI specification)
2.2 Build, manage, and operate a Python-based CLI application to use a REST API
2.3 Consume and use a new API, given the documentation
2.3.a REST
2.3.b GraphQL
2.4 Create a RESTCONF or NETCONF payload based on a given YANG module, and interpret the response
2.5 Create a NETCONF filter by using XPath
2.6 Configure network devices on an existing infrastructure by using NETCONF or RESTCONF, given YANG analysis tools
2.7 Create and use a role by utilizing Ansible to manage infrastructure, given support documentation
2.7.a Loop control
2.7.b Conditionals
2.7.c Use of variables and templating
2.7.d Use of connection plug-ins such as network CLI, HTTPAPI, and NETCONF
2.8 Use Terraform to statefully manage infrastructure, given support documentation
2.8.a Loop control
2.8.b Resource graphs
2.8.c Use of variables
2.8.d Resource retrieval
2.8.e Resource provision
2.8.f Management of the state of provisioned resources
2.9 Create a basic Cisco NSO service package to meet given business and technical requirements. The service would generate a network configuration on the target device platforms using the "cisco-ios-cli" NED and be of type "python-and-template"
2.9.a Create a service template from a provided NSO device configuration
2.9.b Create a basic YANG module for the service containers (including lists, leaf lists, data types, leaf references, and single argument "when" and "must" conditions)
2.9.c Create basic actions to verify operational status of the service
2.9.d Monitor service status by reviewing the NCS Python VM log file
3 Network Programmability and Automation
3.1 Create, modify, and troubleshoot scripts by using Python libraries and SDK documentation to automate against APIs (ACI, AppDynamics, Catalyst Center, FDM, Intersight, IOS XE, Meraki, NSO, Webex)
3.2 Automate the configuration of a Cisco IOS XE network device (based on a provided architecture and configuration), including these components:
3.2.a Interfaces
3.2.b Static routes
3.2.c VLANs
3.2.d Access control lists
3.2.e BGP peering
3.2.f BGP and OSPF routing tables
3.2.g BGP and OSPF neighbors
3.3 Modify and troubleshoot an automated test by using pyATS to meet requirements
3.3.a Create a testbed file for connecting to Cisco IOS, IOS XE, or NX-OS devices
3.3.b Gather current configuration and operational state from devices using the Genie parsers and models included with pyATS
3.3.c Develop and execute test jobs and scripts using AEtest to verify network health
3.4 Design a model-driven telemetry solution based on given business and technical requirements by using gNMI dial-in, gRPC dial-out, and NETCONF dial-in
3.5 Create YANG model-driven telemetry subscriptions
3.5.a Identify model elements and cadence
3.5.b On-change or event drive
3.5.c Optimize frequency
3.5.d Dial-out subscription
3.5.e Secure telemetry streams
3.5.f Confirm data transmission
3.5.g Identify network issues and make changes
4 Containers
4.1 Create a Docker image (including Dockerfile)
4.1.a From a provided image
4.1.b Expose ports
4.1.c Add or copy files
4.1.d Run commands during image build
4.1.e Manipulate entry point and initial commands
4.1.f Establish working directories
4.1.g Environment variables as part of a definition to control an application
4.1.h Docker ignore file
4.1.i Volumes
4.2 Package and deploy a solution by using Docker Compose
4.2.a Deploy and manage containers
4.2.b Define services, networks, volumes, and links
4.3 Package and deploy a solution by using Kubernetes
4.3.a Use deployments, secrets, services, ingress, volumes, namespaces, and replicas
4.3.b Manage the lifecycle of pods (e.g., scale up, scale down, help status, logs)
4.3.c Monitor pods by building health checks)
4.3.d Use the kubectl interface
4.4 Create, consume, and troubleshoot a Docker host and bridge-based networks and integrate them with external networks
5 Security
5.1 Leverage OWASP secure coding practices into all solutions to meet given requirements
5.1.a Input validation
5.1.b Authentication and password management
5.1.c Access control
5.1.d Cryptographic practices
5.1.e Error handling and logging
5.1.f Communication security
5.2 Create a certificate signing request (CSR) by using OpenSSL; send CSR to a provided certificate authority; and use the certificate to secure a web application
5.3 Use OAuth2+ to obtain an authentication token
5.4 Use a secret management system to secure an application
5.5 Use tokens, headers, and secrets to secure a REST API
Cisco Certified DevNet Expert Equipment and Software List (click to expand)
Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS
IOSvL2 15.2
IOSv 15.9
IOS-XE 17.5.1
NX-OS 9.3(8)
Cisco ACI Simulator v5.2
Ubuntu 20.04 standard GNOME desktop
Python 3.9
Ansible 2.9.26
cisco.aci 2.1
PyCharm 2021
Vim 8.1
Atom 1.58
Visual Studio Code 1.60
Visual Studio Code Plugins:
GitLens – Git supercharged
HashiCorp Terraform
Remote Development
Remote – Containers
Remote – SSH
Better Jinja
XML Tools
Google Chrome
Docker 20.10 + compose plugin v2.2
Docker-compose 1.29
Terraform 1.0
Terraform provider: ciscodevnet/aci v0.7
Git 2.25
Kubectl 1.23
OpenSSH 8.2
cURL 7.68
wget 1.20
Postman 9
Wireshark 3.2
OpenSSL 1.1
Nginx 1.18
Bash 5.0
Zsh 5.8
Tcsh 6.21
Jq 1.6
direnv 2.21
Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) local installation 5.5
Cisco NSO NEDs:
IOS CLI 6.69
NX-OS CLI 5.21
Cisco YANG Suite 2.8
GitLab 14
GitLab Runner 14
HashiCorp Vault 1.8
Telegraf 1.19
InfluxDB 1.8
Grafana 8.1
Kubernetes 1.23
Python libraries
aiofiles 0.8.0
aiohttp 3.8.1
aiohttp-swagger 1.0.16
aiosignal 1.2.0
aniso8601 9.0.1
astroid 2.9.3
asttokens 2.0.5
async-lru 1.0.2
async-timeout 4.0.2
asyncssh 2.9.0
attrs 21.4.0
backcall 0.2.0
bcrypt 3.2.0
black 21.12b0
blessings 1.7
bpython 0.22.1
certifi 2021.10.8
cffi 1.15.0
chardet 4.0.0
charset-normalizer 2.0.12
click 7.1.2
colorama 0.4.4
commonmark 0.9.1
cryptography 36.0.1
curtsies 0.3.10
cwcwidth 0.1.6
darglint 1.8.1
decorator 5.1.1
dill 0.3.4
distro 1.7.0
executing 0.8.3
fancycompleter 0.9.1
flake8 4.0.1
flake8-bugbear 22.1.11
flake8-docstrings 1.6.0
flake8-mypy 17.8.0
flask 1.1.4
flask-restx 0.5.1
frozenlist 1.3.0
future 0.18.2
genie 21.9
genie.libs.clean 21.9.3
genie.libs.conf 21.9
genie.libs.filetransferutils 21.9 21.9.1
genie.libs.ops 21.9
genie.libs.parser 21.9
genie.libs.sdk 21.9
greenlet 1.1.2
hvac 0.11.2
idna 3.3
iniconfig 1.1.1
ipdb 0.13.9
ipython 8.1.0
isort 5.10.1
itsdangerous 1.1.0
jedi 0.18.1
jinja2 2.11.3
jsonpickle 2.1.0
jsonschema 4.4.0
junit-xml 1.9
lazy-object-proxy 1.7.1
lxml 4.6.5
markupsafe 2.0.1
matplotlib-inline 0.1.3
mccabe 0.6.1
multidict 6.0.2
mypy 0.931
mypy-extensions 0.4.3
ncclient 0.6.12
netaddr 0.8.0
netmiko 3.4.0
ntc-templates 3.0.0
packaging 21.3
paramiko 2.7.2
parso 0.8.3
pathspec 0.9.0
pdbpp 0.10.3
pexpect 4.8.0
pickleshare 0.7.5
platformdirs 2.5.1
pluggy 1.0.0
prettytable 3.1.1
prompt-toolkit 3.0.28
psutil 5.9.0
ptyprocess 0.7.0
pure-eval 0.2.2
py 1.11.0
pyang 2.5.2
pyats 21.9
pyats.aereport 21.9
pyats.aetest 21.9
pyats.async 21.9
pyats.connections 21.9
pyats.datastructures 21.9
pyats.easypy 21.9
pyats.kleenex 21.9
pyats.log 21.9
pyats.reporter 21.9
pyats.results 21.9
pyats.tcl 21.9
pyats.topology 21.9
pyats.utils 21.9
pycodestyle 2.8.0
pycparser 2.21
pydocstyle 6.1.1
pyflakes 2.4.0
pyftpdlib 1.5.6
pygments 2.11.2
pylama 8.3.7
pylint 2.12.2
pynacl 1.5.0
pyparsing 3.0.7
pyrepl 0.9.0
pyrsistent 0.18.1
pyserial 3.5
pytest 7.0.1
python-engineio 3.14.2
python-socketio 4.6.1
pytz 2021.3
pyxdg 0.27
pyyaml 5.4.1
requests 2.26.0
rich 11.2.0
ruamel.yaml 0.17.21
ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.6
scp 0.14.4
scrapli[asyncssh,ssh2,ttp] 2021.7.30
scrapli-netconf 2021.7.30
six 1.16.0
snowballstemmer 2.2.0
ssh2-python 0.27.0
stack-data 0.2.0
tenacity 8.0.1
textfsm 1.1.2
tftpy 0.8.0
toml 0.10.2
tomli 1.2.3
tqdm 4.63.0
traitlets 5.1.1
ttp 0.8.4
types-click 7.1.8
types-flask 1.1.6
types-jinja2 2.11.9
types-markupsafe 1.1.10
types-requests 2.27.11
types-urllib3 1.26.10
types-werkzeug 1.0.9
typing-extensions 4.1.1
unicon 21.9
unicon.plugins 21.9
urllib3 1.26.8
wcwidth 0.2.5
werkzeug 1.0.1
wheel 0.37.1
wmctrl 0.4
wrapt 1.13.3
xmltodict 0.12.0
yamllint 1.26.3
yarl 1.7.2